If you've ever gathered your group to play Blood on the Clocktower and wondered, "What script should we play?"—you're in the right place. Living Scripts takes the game you love and transforms it into an evolving, dynamic campaign system that builds tension, bonds, and a story you’ll remember long after the games end. Think of it as Blood on the Clocktower—but with consequences that ripple across multiple sessions. If you know why you're here use the form below otherwise read on to get started!
Living Scripts is a twist on the traditional Blood on the Clocktower experience. It’s powered by a unique campaign system with the help of a special Fabled character called Flesh and Bone. When a character dies due to execution in a game, they are eliminated from the entire campaign—meaning that character is no longer available in any future games.
Imagine your group growing attached to certain roles over the course of a few games, only to lose a beloved (or dreaded!) character forever due to a well-timed execution. Living Scripts adds stakes to every execution in your games and creates an evolving narrative that reflects your group’s decisions, strategies, and luck. Over time, the available characters dwindle, forcing players to adapt their strategies and think creatively as the campaign unfolds.
It’s not just about winning one game anymore—it’s about how your group survives and thrives over a whole series of games. Each session adds new layers to your group’s shared story, making every execution feel significant.
If you have ended up in a situation after a game where a character was not eliminated and you are potentially about to play the same script twice in a row. STOP! If a rule does not cover your situation then eliminate the character of the winning team that appears first on the script.
When creating or branching a campaign, you can choose how it will conclude. Each mode has its own unique conditions for determining when the campaign ends. All Campaigns end when there are no demons available for the next game.
Q: What is a Living Script?
A: If you consider that in Blood on the Clocktower you have official scripts, custom scripts, bootlegger scripts and now living scripts. Where you play an always evolving script from game to game. Flesh & Bone wraps this concept in a handy web app to make everything easier. Think of this more as a fun new way to create and play scripts for Blood on the Clocktower.
Q: How do you win a campaign?
A: It is not intended for there to be a winning team or players. You will likely over the course of a campaign play multiple games on both the good and evil team. The goal of a Living Script is to help answer the question "What script should we play?" and give you an opportunity to explore all the great Blood on the Clocktower characters. It could also help groups who have played the base scripts ease into more custom scripts and experimental characters as they continue to master the game.
Q: Is this strictly for advanced players?
A: In theory you could end up with ANY official character on your scripts so not recommended to run a campaign before you have at least gained some familarity with Trouble Brewing, Sects & Violets and Bad Moon Rising. If you wanted to have a slower campaign and use your Living Script as a way to gain more familarity with characters you have not played with before, then start with Trouble Brewing and instead of eliminating every character that died by execution you eliminate the last character who died by execution.
Q: What happens if we run out of characters to play?
A: The app will support campaigns until you run out of Demons or one of the campaign endings (see above). The generic characters are added when you start running low on a certain category of characters.
Q: How are characters replaced from game to game?
A: We use data collected from Clocktower players to gauge related characters. Due to the near-infinite combination of characters that could appear on a script we use this data to generate a sense of progression. While it makes sense to replace an Undertaker with a Cannibal, but what do you replace the Cannibal with when the Undertaker is already eliminated? That's where this data comes in handy.
Q: Can I contribute to the data you use?
A: Absolutely! Take our character survey via this link.
Q: Can we use custom scripts for a start?
A: Yes, select "Custom" as an option and copy and paste the JSON into the text box. If you have any issues reach out to Nashable. There are some pre-defined options of base 3 scripts (TB, SNV, BMR), some featured scripts which will be updated over time and an option for the system to generate you a script made up of random characters.
Q: What if we make a mistake while logging results?
A: Mistakes happen, you can use the Access Code, scroll past the form for the current game and press "Delete Game". This will roll back the previously submitted game and you can make corrections and resubmit.
Q: Do we have to use the Flesh and Bone fabled character in our games?
A: Flesh and Bone is a recommended Fabled for Living Scripts because it helps you track eliminations and shares the rules for all your players. Though feel free to customize this as you see fit, I'm not your parents 😉
Q: Can multiple people manage the campaign?
A: Yes, but you’ll need to share the Access Code with the other co-managers. Just be mindful that anyone with the Access Code can make changes.
Q: Is this compatible with homebrew/bootlegger Blood on the Clocktower characters?
A: Not currently, while Flesh and Bone fabled and the generic characters are effectively Bootleggers, it is not currently possible to load your own custom characters into the pool.
Q: How can I give feedback, report an issue or be part of the Beta testing?
A: Join our Living Scripts Discord Server. This is where you can give feedback, report bugs or find others running and discussing their own Living Scripts campaigns.