lordoftyphon Lord of Typhon
philosopher Philosopher
MINION Minion Info
lunatic Lunatic
summoner Summoner
DEMON Demon Info
engineer Engineer
preacher Preacher
huntsman Huntsman
damsel Damsel
investigator Investigator
empath Empath
dreamer Dreamer
villageidiot Village Idiot
bountyhunter Bounty Hunter
leviathan Leviathan


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leviathan soldier If the Leviathan is in play, the Soldier is safe from all evil abilities.
leviathan banshee Each night*, the Leviathan chooses an alive good player (different to previous nights): a chosen Banshee dies & gains their ability.
leviathan sage Each night*, the Leviathan chooses an alive good player (different to previous nights): a chosen Sage uses their ability but does not die.
legion engineer Legion and the Engineer can not both be in play at the start of the game. If the Engineer creates Legion, most players (including all evil players) become evil Legion.
legion preacher If the Preacher chooses Legion, Legion keeps their ability, but the Preacher might learn they are Legion.
legion zealot The Zealot might register as evil to Legion's ability.
summoner engineer If the Engineer removes a Summoner from play before that Summoner uses their ability, the Summoner uses their ability immediately.
summoner legion If the Summoner creates Legion, most players (including all evil players) become evil Legion.
summoner preacher If the Preacher chose the Summoner on or before the 3rd night, the Summoner chooses which Demon, but the Storyteller chooses which player.
summoner lordoftyphon If the Summoner creates a Lord of Typhon, the Lord of Typhon must neighbor a Minion. The other neighbor becomes a not-in-play evil Minion.
bountyhunter philosopher If the Philosopher gains the Bounty Hunter ability, a Townsfolk might turn evil.
fleshandbone_fabled villageidiot A Village Idiot must die to execution in three different games before it is eliminated.
fleshandbone_fabled damsel If the game ends due to the Damsel's ability and no other characters were eliminated: eliminate the Damsel.
fleshandbone_fabled legion If Legion is the last character to die due to execution in a game, and loses as a result: Legion is eliminated.
philosopher Philosopher
engineer Engineer
preacher Preacher
summoner Summoner
lunatic Lunatic
legion Legion
lordoftyphon Lord of Typhon
ojo Ojo
assassin Assassin
sage Sage
banshee Banshee
huntsman Huntsman
damsel Damsel
empath Empath
dreamer Dreamer
villageidiot Village Idiot
bountyhunter Bounty Hunter
leviathan Leviathan