lordoftyphon Lord of Typhon
magician Magician
MINION Minion Info
DEMON Demon Info
marionette Marionette
preacher Preacher
lleech Lleech
widow Widow
fleshandbone_minion Minion
wizard Wizard
eviltwin Evil Twin
cultleader Cult Leader
spy Spy
ogre Ogre
mathematician Mathematician
vizier Vizier


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legion preacher If the Preacher chooses Legion, Legion keeps their ability, but the Preacher might learn they are Legion.
legion zealot The Zealot might register as evil to Legion's ability.
spy magician When the Spy sees the Grimoire, the Demon and Magician's character tokens are removed.
spy ogre The Spy registers as evil to the Ogre.
widow magician When the Widow sees the Grimoire, the Demon and Magician's character tokens are removed.
lleech mastermind If the Mastermind is alive and the Lleech's host dies by execution, the Lleech lives but loses their ability.
vizier preacher If the Vizier loses their ability, they learn this. If the Vizier is executed while they have their ability, their team wins.
vizier magician If the Vizier and Magician are both in play, the Demon does not learn the Minions.
vizier politician The Politician might register as evil to the Vizier.
vizier zealot The Zealot might register as evil to the Vizier.
fleshandbone_fabled cultleader If the game ends due to the Cult Leader's ability and no other characters were eliminated: retire the Cult Leader.
fleshandbone_fabled fleshandbone_townsfolk If Good wins and no other characters were eliminated: eliminate the first Good character listed on the script.
fleshandbone_fabled fleshandbone_outsider If Good wins and no other characters were eliminated: eliminate the first Good character listed on the script.
fleshandbone_fabled fleshandbone_minion If Evil wins and no other characters were eliminated: eliminate the first Evil character listed on the script.
fleshandbone_fabled vizier If the Vizier is in play and the demon would be eliminated, the Vizier may be eliminated instead.
fleshandbone_fabled legion If Legion is the last character to die due to execution in a game, and loses as a result: Legion is eliminated.
fleshandbone_fabled lleech If the Lleech dies to their own ability: eliminate the Lleech but not the character they poisoned on their first night.
preacher Preacher
wizard Wizard
legion Legion
imp Imp
zombuul Zombuul
shabaloth Shabaloth
nodashii No Dashii
lordoftyphon Lord of Typhon
lleech Lleech
barber Barber
sweetheart Sweetheart
tinker Tinker
fleshandbone_townsfolk Townsfolk
ravenkeeper Ravenkeeper
juggler Juggler
cultleader Cult Leader
spy Spy
mathematician Mathematician