If the Kazali chooses the Damsel to become a Minion, and a Huntsman is in play, a good player becomes the Damsel.
The Kazali can choose that the Soldier player is one of their evil Minions.
If the Organ Grinder is causing eyes closed voting, the Butler may raise their hand to vote but their vote is only counted if their master voted too.
If the Al-Hadikhia dies by execution, and the Mastermind is alive, the Al-Hadikhia chooses 3 good players tonight: if all 3 choose to live, evil wins. Otherwise, good wins.
If the Demon has the Cult Leader ability, they can’t turn good due to this ability.
If the game ends due to the Cult Leader's ability and no other characters were eliminated: retire the Cult Leader.
If the game ends due to the Damsel's ability and no other characters were eliminated: eliminate the Damsel.