boffin Boffin
MINION Minion Info
DEMON Demon Info
sailor Sailor
widow Widow
librarian Librarian
investigator Investigator
chef Chef
fortuneteller Fortune Teller
grandmother Grandmother
nightwatchman Nightwatchman
cultleader Cult Leader


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cannibal juggler If the Juggler guesses on their first day and dies by execution, tonight the living Cannibal learns how many guesses the Juggler got correct.
riot mayor The Mayor may choose to stop nominations. If they do so when only 1 Riot is alive, good wins. Otherwise, evil wins.
riot ravenkeeper Each night*, Riot chooses an alive good player (different to previous nights): a chosen Ravenkeeper uses their ability but does not die.
riot grandmother If Riot is in play and the Grandchild dies during the day, the Grandmother dies too.
riot exorcist If the Exorcist chooses Riot on the 3rd night, Minions do not become Riot.
boffin cultleader If the Demon has the Cult Leader ability, they can’t turn good due to this ability.
boffin goon If the Demon has the Goon ability, they can’t turn good due to this ability.
fleshandbone_fabled cultleader If the game ends due to the Cult Leader's ability and no other characters were eliminated: retire the Cult Leader.
fleshandbone_fabled riot Characters who die due to the Riot's ability on day 3 are eliminated. If the last Riot dies on day 3: eliminate Riot.
fleshandbone_fabled riot On Day 3 if Riot is in play, the dead may not be nominated.
fleshandbone_fabled legion If Legion is the last character to die due to execution in a game, and loses as a result: Legion is eliminated.
fleshandbone_fabled vortox If the game ends due to the Vortox's ability and no other characters were eliminated: retire the Vortox.
sailor Sailor
exorcist Exorcist
legion Legion
fanggu Fang Gu
vortox Vortox
assassin Assassin
grandmother Grandmother
ravenkeeper Ravenkeeper
fortuneteller Fortune Teller
juggler Juggler
nightwatchman Nightwatchman
cultleader Cult Leader