Silence permeated the house of indecency. The clock had long ago stopped ticking, perhaps it had been swayed by the indecent wiles of the washerwoman who was already having her way with the clothes of the humble sailor. Buttons and zippers fell away like a shot gone awry, fired into the night without penetrating its target. In the heat of the moment, the thoughts of all the mechanical townsfolk were naught. Zero. Struck into dumb allure. Suddenly, one sound pierced the night: a scream that all who heard understood. It quavered into the air. All knew that someone would not wake tonight. Only one more crept into the bedrooms of the lustful, ensuring that the last blow would be her own. And what would be left in this haunted town? A loon with a dream… a demon with a scheme…
If you didn't like those Game 7 notes (yes I'm posting from the past but I can predict the future) you can blame Viv. Also Josh was D1 slayer shot and Kira was executed after catching the demon as the Scarlet Woman