
Branch Campaign

Branching From: Trouble brewing brews... - Game 3

Your answer helps us identify how best to improve the app and prioritize new features.

Character Relational Datasets

Dataset filtering allows you to use character relational datasets from specific communities. Leave blank to use all datasets. Learn More

Write any personal dataset codes here you want to use, they will be combined with any of the community datasets you have chosen above.

Script Options - Max per Category:


Deterministic always uses the strongest link for replacement, while probabilistic uses the link strength as a weighted probability.
How fast does the App add/remove characters to adjust to the category limits above.

Campaign Options

If enabled, a character that requires another is removed if the one they require is eliminated.

Background and Theme Options

This will print icons of eliminated characters on the background

Starting Script

Featured Script: Revenge of the Martian Vampires, chosen by Ben Burns

Choose your starting script from the dropdown. If you select "Custom", a text area will appear.


Character Pool

Use the buttons next to a character to either eliminate or reserve it. Eliminated characters won't appear on your script at all. Reserved characters will only appear if needed. Clicking in the Eliminated/Reserved columns returns the character to Available.

Available Characters

Acrobat Acrobat
Al-Hadikhia Al-Hadikhia
Alchemist Alchemist
Alsaahir Alsaahir
Amnesiac Amnesiac
Artist Artist
Assassin Assassin
Atheist Atheist
Balloonist Balloonist
Banshee Banshee
Barber Barber
Baron Baron
Boffin Boffin
Boomdandy Boomdandy
Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter
Butler Butler
Cannibal Cannibal
Cerenovus Cerenovus
Chambermaid Chambermaid
Chef Chef
Choirboy Choirboy
Clockmaker Clockmaker
Courtier Courtier
Cult Leader Cult Leader
Damsel Damsel
Devil's Advocate Devil's Advocate
Dreamer Dreamer
Drunk Drunk
Empath Empath
Engineer Engineer
Evil Twin Evil Twin
Exorcist Exorcist
Fang Gu Fang Gu
Farmer Farmer
Fearmonger Fearmonger
Fisherman Fisherman
Flowergirl Flowergirl
Fool Fool
Fortune Teller Fortune Teller
Gambler Gambler
General General
Goblin Goblin
Godfather Godfather
Golem Golem
Goon Goon
Gossip Gossip
Grandmother Grandmother
Harpy Harpy
Hatter Hatter
Heretic Heretic
High Priestess High Priestess
Huntsman Huntsman
Imp Imp
Innkeeper Innkeeper
Investigator Investigator
Juggler Juggler
Kazali Kazali
King King
Klutz Klutz
Knight Knight
Legion Legion
Leviathan Leviathan
Librarian Librarian
Lil' Monsta Lil' Monsta
Lleech Lleech
Lord of Typhon Lord of Typhon
Lunatic Lunatic
Lycanthrope Lycanthrope
Magician Magician
Marionette Marionette
Mastermind Mastermind
Mathematician Mathematician
Mayor Mayor
Mezepheles Mezepheles
Minstrel Minstrel
Monk Monk
Moonchild Moonchild
Mutant Mutant
Nightwatchman Nightwatchman
No Dashii No Dashii
Noble Noble
Ogre Ogre
Ojo Ojo
Oracle Oracle
Organ Grinder Organ Grinder
Pacifist Pacifist
Philosopher Philosopher
Pit-Hag Pit-Hag
Pixie Pixie
Plague Doctor Plague Doctor
Po Po
Poisoner Poisoner
Politician Politician
Poppy Grower Poppy Grower
Preacher Preacher
Professor Professor
Psychopath Psychopath
Pukka Pukka
Puzzlemaster Puzzlemaster
Ravenkeeper Ravenkeeper
Recluse Recluse
Riot Riot
Sage Sage
Sailor Sailor
Saint Saint
Savant Savant
Scarlet Woman Scarlet Woman
Seamstress Seamstress
Shabaloth Shabaloth
Shugenja Shugenja
Slayer Slayer
Snake Charmer Snake Charmer
Snitch Snitch
Soldier Soldier
Spy Spy
Steward Steward
Summoner Summoner
Sweetheart Sweetheart
Tea Lady Tea Lady
Tinker Tinker
Town Crier Town Crier
Undertaker Undertaker
Vigormortis Vigormortis
Village Idiot Village Idiot
Virgin Virgin
Vizier Vizier
Vortox Vortox
Washerwoman Washerwoman
Widow Widow
Witch Witch
Wizard Wizard
Xaan Xaan
Yaggababble Yaggababble
Zealot Zealot
Zombuul Zombuul

Eliminated Characters

Reserved Characters